Last year almost 80,000 people from around the world shared their experience and expertise with us by participating in the Global Drug Survey (GDS), which resulted in the guides pre- sented in this edition of ILLEGAL. We are expanding the project and we need your help.
At a time of unprecedented change in the world of drugs we need to better understand what people are using and why. With the rise in novel psychoactive drugs and the dark-net continuing to steal headlines and policy attention, GDS will not only ensure that accurate data on these issues is shared but that we don’t lose sight of the real big players namely alcohol, tobacco products and prescription drugs. And we’ll ask people who use drugs to help us create the world’s first ever safer drug using limits to guide people in a world where governments advise us to just say ‘no’, but where the reality is that millions of people say ‘yes’ – but still want to keep themselves safe from harm. Objective, independent and informed GDS brings together leading experts to ask you questions about drugs and alco- hol so together we can help make difference in the way people talk about drugs, think about drugs and use them.
Take part in Global Drug Survey 2015 at:
GDS2015 launches November 10th 2015. Everything is anonymous and con dential. Please take the time to share what your experience anytime up until Dec 20th 2014.
About the author
Dr Adam Winstock MBBS, BSc, MSc, MRCP, MRCPsych, FAChAM, MD. Adam is the founder of Global Drug Survey and a Consultant Psychiatrist , Addiction Medicine Specialist and researcher based in London.
About the DANISH part
Dr Jakob Demant, BC Sociology, MA Sociology. Any questions or @jakobdemant. Jakob is Associate Professor at Department of Sociology and has researched drug and alcohol use in a social perspective for about ten years.